KONE Destination Control System
KONE Destination is a destination control system that incorporates desired destination floors and the number of waiting passengers to significantly improve elevator convenience and efficiency.
Advanced People Flow Solutions deliver better security, comfort and convenience. We combine access and destination control, communication and equipment monitoring to deliver a seamless user experience when moving in and between buildings.
Advanced People Flow mencakup solusi untuk akses dan kontrol tujuan, solusi infotainment untuk elevator, dan solusi pemantauan peralatan.
KONE Access adalah sistem kontrol akses yang dapat diskalakan dan fleksibel yang terintegrasi mulus dengan sistem elevator Anda. Ini menggabungkan perangkat antarmuka pengguna, perangkat keras sistem, dan perangkat lunak manajemen kontrol akses.
Sistem kontrol tujuan kami secara signifikan meningkatkan efisiensi dan kenyamanan di gedung Anda dengan panduan yang jelas, tidak ada pemberhentian yang tidak perlu, dan elevator yang tidak terlalu ramai, serta integrasi yang mudah dengan KONE Access.
Solusi KONE infotainment membantu menciptakan pengalaman yang lebih kaya untuk semua orang dengan solusi hiburan dan komunikasi yang benar-benar mengubah pengalaman pengguna gedung Anda.
Solusi pemantauan KONE menempatkan informasi peralatan penting dan real-time di ujung jari Anda untuk membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih tepat dan memastikan orang-orang yang lancar dan aman melaju sepanjang waktu.
Keahlian people flow kami, bersama dengan rangkaian solusi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan kami, membantu menciptakan perjalanan pengguna yang lebih aman dan ruang yang lebih sehat di gedung.
With Indoor.Ninja, a visitor management service for office buildings that connects visitors, hosts and elevators, KONE makes visiting easy. Indoor.Ninja is a visitor management service for office buildings that connects visitors, hosts and elevators. Help visitors reach their destination with minimal effort, reduce reception service costs, and save time.
KONE Destination is a destination control system that incorporates desired destination floors and the number of waiting passengers to significantly improve elevator convenience and efficiency.
A comprehensive access solution, KONE Access features a fully scalable access control system that is seamlessly integrated with your elevator system, turnstiles, and building doors.
This planning guide provides the general information about KONE Access necessary for specification and installation of the system, intended for those involved in related areas such as electrical installation and building security access.
The KONE InfoScreen is a quick and easy way to deliver multimedia and web-based information and improve guidance in your building. It can be used to inform and entertain, and to guide passengers for smoother and safer people flow in the facility.
KONE E-Link enables elevator and escalator system monitoring from one location, helping you secure the best possible tenant service quality, reliability and efficiency of the elevators and escalators in your building.