Modular modernization tools and downloads

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Modular modernization tools and downloads

Modular modernization tools and downloads

Electrification and hoisting modernization materials

KONE ReGenerate DX

KONE ReGenerate™ DX is a comprehensive controller and hoisting modernization solution that can save you a considerable amount of money and hassle over your elevator’s lifetime.

KONE ReGenerate™ 200 and 400

This modernization package meets the latest safety and accessibility regulations, while improving the efficiency, reliability and aesthetics of the existing elevator.

KONE ReGenerate™ 800

A high-performance solution for elevators in high-rise buildings that help you maintain your building’s status as a prime property within your market.


KONE ReSolve™ DX is a comprehensive controller modernization solution that can significantly cut your elevator’s operating costs and improve its reliability.

KONE ReSolve™ 40

An electrification modernization solution for elevators in low- to mid-rise buildings that replaces obsolete relays and other electrical components, improving performance, safety and energy efficiency.

KONE ReSolve™ 800

A complete drive and electrification modernization solution for elevators in high rise buildings. Modernization with KONE ReSolve 800 improves reliability, safety and energy-efficiency.

Elevator car modernization materials

KONE Car interior design themes

The KONE Design Collection is a set of inspiring elevator car interiors created by KONE’s award-winning design team. Browse our design themes and get tips on choosing the right design.

KONE Materials & accessories

Our materials and accessories guide provides handy tips on creating the perfect custom elevator design for your building and details our extensive range of materials and accessories.

Elevator signalization modernization materials

KONE KSS280 signalization

Our functional signalization family for residential buildings combines simple features, good visibility, and easy accessibility with sophisticated design.

KONE KDS300 signalization

Available options for car operating panel, floor buttons, and landing devices for the KONE KDS300 signalization range.


The stylish KONE Design signalization adds the finishing touches to any building.


KONE Destination increases traffic efficiency and decreases waiting and journey times.

KONE Signalization for Modernization

Our versatile, modern signalization range has everything you need to ensure clear guidance and make elevators as easy as possible for people to use.

Looking to modernize your elevator doors?