How elevator modernization helped protect a vulnerable coastline

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Protecting a historic coastline with an environmentally friendly elevator modernization solution

Stamford Harbor in Connecticut is known for the area’s historical connection with the sea. Protecting this fragile waterway for future generations was a key consideration when it came to modernizing elevators at the upscale Shippan Landing office complex.

Published Jul-03-2024

Crowning Stamford Harbor and surrounded by water on three sides, the upscale Shippan Landing office complex in Stamford, Connecticut, offers stunning views and premier office space – but until recently, its buildings were served by aging hydraulic elevators.
The hydraulic systems were not only energy-intensive and inefficient, but also posed the risk of leaks, which would be catastrophic for the local environment, given the offices’ waterside location.

A traditional hydraulic modernization would have meant replacing 11 of the 16 hydraulic fluid-filled underground cylinders, a costly and time-consuming undertaking that could involve new drilling, posing even more environmental risks.

Full replacement solution for existing buildings


KONE proposed a different modernization solution: swapping out the hydraulic elevators entirely and replacing them with gearless traction elevators. The installation would be more predictable without risking huge change orders or environmental impact. And crucially the new technology would make considerable energy savings over its lifespan as well as extending life cycles for the buildings on the coastal campus.

“We had previously been involved in similar projects at Shippan Landing, so KONE knew the site presented unique challenges – the kind of challenges that could be negated with an innovative solution,” says Art Byram, Senior Modernization Sales Executive at KONE.

The energy-efficient EcoDisc® solution at Shippan Landing is part of a modernization package that includes new call buttons, wall paneling and handrails, lighting, elevator doors, brakes and electrification. This full replacement solution allows the customer to retain existing entrances and make onsite work less disruptive, dusty and loud. The KONE solution fits into existing shafts and seamlessly interfaces with existing shaft dimensions.

Now in operation, the new elevators have improved people flow around the Shippan Landing complex, ensuring the offices remain usable long into the future.

Users appreciate the improved ride quality. “Compared to hydraulic elevators, these gearless traction elevators have faster floor-to-floor speeds,” Byram says, “and the ride is a lot smoother.”

For the tenant, KONE EcoDisc® delivers a smoother, quieter ride; for the owner, it offers energy efficiency. An added benefit is that it is an environmentally friendly solution.

Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly

KONE EcoDisc® technology is an exceptionally good fit for customers interested in energy efficiency. At Shippan Landing, where other parts of the infrastructure were also being converted to energy-efficient systems, sustainability is a priority.

“We’ve made energy efficiency a high priority and key operational strategy at Shippan Landing,” says Andrew Sufian, who worked during the project at Rubenstein Partners/Shippan Landing as senior property manager.

“This KONE solution has become a meaningful component of our strategy to reduce energy consumption at this premier waterfront commercial campus,” he notes, “and it is part of our goal to have a positive environmental impact for the Stamford community.”

Energy savings have a direct impact on the bottom line. “We worked with their local utility to get a rebate incentive,” Byram says. “And they won’t ever have to worry about hydraulic oil again.”

Building on a strong partnership


“KONE has been a great partner throughout this large project,” Sufian says. “The Project Manager has been very accommodating and able to work around the needs of an occupied campus without disrupting our tenants. The elevators have been very well received by our tenants and offer a smoother, faster and quiet ride.”

Four KONE teams worked concurrently in four buildings, each with five- to six-stop elevators. Constant communication with property management minimized disruption to tenant operations.

At a Shippan Landing recording studio, for instance, it was critically important that KONE crews be quiet when sessions were underway. “During elevator demolition and removal, that required careful coordination,” says KONE Modernization Superintendent Drew Papio.

Using an innovative product, the Shippan Landing property was rejuvenated with new technology, aesthetics and safety devices – and without jeopardizing a vibrant waterway. “The customer recognized the value of the product, felt comfortable with the KONE team and gained a sustainable, environmentally sound solution,” Byram says.